Please complete the form below to register your Event or Workshop to appear on the Calendar. New Event Registration Subscribe Your NameYour Phone No.EmailName of the Group holding the EventAre you the main contact person for this Event? Yes NoMain ContactMain Contact Phone No.Main contact emailName of the EventWebsite link for Event or GroupAddress of EventAddress Line 1Address Line 2SuburbStatePostcodeStart Date/TimeEnd Date/TimeCost of EntryDo attendees need to pre-purchase a ticket? Yes NoPre purchase ticket linkWill there be shops there for retail therapy? If yes, please provide details here.Do you have a flyer? Please upload here.Choose File Any further details you would like added to the Event on the calendar?If any details change or more information becomes available, you can use the Contact Us page on the website to advise Victorian Quilters Inc. & the changes will be made. Would you be interested in a 1/4 page ad in the next Victorian Quilters Magazine on behalf of your group? Send an email to requesting more information.Submit