Vic Quilter is the quarterly magazine of Victorian Quilters Inc. and is published in January, April, July and October.
We invite individual members and member groups to submit articles, reports, photos and letters for publication.
The Editor reserves the right to refuse, shorten or otherwise edit material if it is deemed inappropriate or unclear for printing purposes.
Articles, etc. may be clearly handwritten or typed and forwarded by post to the VQ address or by email to:
Good quality photos will also be considered for publication. Digital photos in a .jpg format are preferred, at the highest possible resolution.
Email to:
The opinions expressed in articles are not necessarily those of Victorian Quilters Inc.
Copy Deadlines
Articles/advertisements/diary dates etc. MUST be received by the following dates for publication in the next issue.
- 1st March for the April edition
- 15th May for the July edition
- 1st September for the October edition
- 20th November for the January edition
Articles received after these dates will not be accepted for the next issue.
Reproduction in whole or in part of material, including photos or illustrations, from Vic Quilter is prohibited without prior permission of the Editor.
Confirm copyright ownership of your article by clearly indicating this at the end of the article, using the traditional copyright symbol © and/or the word Copyright with your full name and the year.
Return of Material
Photos and written material will only be returned if a stamped, self-addressed envelope is included with your submission.
Advertising Policy
The listing of quilt related events in Diary Dates is a free service for member groups.
Commercial organisations interested in advertising their services in Vic Quilter should contact the Editor.
Victorian Quilters Inc. is not responsible for the contents of classified advertisements or the products offered by advertisers.
Member Groups are entitled to one free 1/4 page advertisement for a quilt-related event each calendar year. Any additional advertisements will be subject to a fee.
Advertising Rates
1/4 Page
1/2 Page
Full Page
Own Brochure*
VQ Members
Non- Members
*Own Brochure inserted loosely in Magazine
All prices quoted are for colour advertisements. We prefer to receive advertisements in a high-resolution pdf format. If received in a Word document, we can prepare layouts for simple advertisements. The Editor reserves the right to vary these rates.
Despite our best efforts, sometimes things go a bit awry. If you see something not quite right in the magazine, let us know and we’ll fix it for the next edition. Please contact the editor at